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Client Security

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This page describes how you connect to a grpc server and authenticate yourself.

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Enable Transport Layer Security

Grpc uses TLS as the default way to connect to a server so there isn’t much else to do.

If you wish to check that you didn’t accidentally overwrite the configuration, then check whether the given property is configured like this or is using its default:


For the corresponding server configuration read the Server Security page.


As always there are some simple prerequisites that needs to be met:

Disable Transport Layer Security

WARNING: Do NOT do this in production.

Sometimes you don’t have the required certificates available (e.g. during development), thus you might you wish to disable transport layer security, you can do that like this:


The following example demonstrates how you can configure this property in your tests:

@SpringBootTest(properties = "grpc.client.test.negotiationType=PLAINTEXT")
@SpringJUnitConfig(classes = TestConfig.class)
public class PlaintextSetupTest {

    private MyServiceBlockingStub myService;

Trusting a Server

If you want to trust a server whose certificate is not in the general trust store, or you want to limit which certificates you trust, you can do so using the following property:

If you want to know what options are supported here, read Spring’s Resource docs.

If you use a service identifier, there may be problems with the certificate because it is not valid for the internal service name. In this case you can specify for which name the certificate must be valid:

Mutual Certificate Authentication

In secure environments, you might have to authenticate yourself using a client certificate. This certificate is usually provided by the server so all you have to do is configure your application to actually use:


Creating CallCredentials

In addition to mutual certificate authentication, there are several other ways to authenticate yourself, such as BasicAuth.

grpc-spring-boot-starter provides, besides some helper methods, only implementations for BasicAuth. However, there are various libraries out there that provide implementations for grpc’s CallCredentials. CallCredentials are potentially active components because they can authenticate the request using a (third party) service and can manage and renew session tokens themselves.

CallCredentials basicAuthCredentials() {
    return CallCredentialsHelper.basicAuth("user", "password");

CallCredentials bearerAuthForwardingCredentials() {
    return CallCredentialsHelper.bearerAuth(() -> KeycloakSecurityContext.getTokenString());

Using CallCredentials

If you have exactly one CallCredentials in your application context, we’ll automatically create a StubTransformer for you and configure all Stubs to use it. If you wish to configure different credentials per stub, then you use our helper methods in the CallCredentialsHelper utility.

Note: StubTransformers can only automatically configure injected Stubs. They are unable to modify raw Channels.

You can also configure the CallCredentials just in time (e.g. for user dependent credentials):

MyServiceBlockingStub myServiceForUser = myService.withCallCredentials(userCredentials);
return myServiceForUser.send(request);

Retry with new Authentication

If you want to retry calls that failed due to an expired token (using grpc’s built-in retry mechanism), you can use the following example ClientInterceptor as a guide to automatically report the failure to the token store. Please note that many popular token-based authentication systems (such as OAuth) also provide a token TTL that can be used to automatically update the token before the call is even sent for the first time, rendering this obsolete.

public <ReqT, RespT> ClientCall<ReqT, RespT> interceptCall(
        MethodDescriptor<ReqT, RespT> method, CallOptions callOptions, Channel next) {

    callOptions = callOptions
            .withStreamTracerFactory(new ClientStreamTracer.Factory() {

                public ClientStreamTracer newClientStreamTracer(
                        ClientStreamTracer.StreamInfo info, Metadata headers) {

                    // Make sure your implementations do _not_ block and return _immediately_
                    final Object authToken = headers.get(AUTH_TOKEN_KEY);
                    return new ClientStreamTracer() {

                        public void streamClosed(final Status status) {


    return next.newCall(method, callOptions);

For more details refer to How to retry with new auth token using builtin retry?

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