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Kubernetes Setup

The following section assumes that you have at least some knowledge about deploying an application to Kubernetes. For more details refer to the official documentation

Kubernetes (or more precisely most of kubernetes DNS provider’s) expose enough information for grpc-java to resolve the addresses of services that run inside the cluter. Should also work for OKD/OpenShift.

There are a few things you should keep in mind here though.

  1. Inside your (target’s) deployment, make sure that you expose the port specified by grpc.server.port (defaults to 9090)
      - name: my-grpc-server-app
        image: ...
        - name: grpc # Use whatever name you want
          containerPort: 9090 # Use the same as `grpc.server.port` (prefer 80, 443 or 9090)

Note: Container ports can be re-used by other deployments/pods, unless you use hostPorts. So there is no reason not to use a default one.

  1. Inside your (target’s) service definition, you should map that port to your preferred port.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-grpc-server-app # This name is important
  namespace: example # This name might be important
    app: my-grpc-server-app
    - name: grpclb # The name is important, if you wish to use DNS-SVC-Lookups (must be grpclb)
      port: 1234 # Remember this port number, unless you use DNS-SVC-Lookups (prefer 80, 443 or 9090)
      targetPort: grpc # Use the port name from the deployment (or just the port number)

Warning: Do NOT name your services grpc-server[-*] or grpc-client[-*]. Kubernetes creates an environment variable for these services called GRPC_SERVER[_*]_PORT/GRPC_CLIENT[_*]_PORT. Spring will interpret these as the name of a configuration option which either reconfigures your server/client or causes property parsing/assignment errors.

Note: Service ports can be re-used by other services, unless you use hostPorts. So there is no reason not to use a default one.

  1. Inside your client application config, configure the channel address to refer to the service name:
## Choose your matching variant
# Same namespace (target port=80 or derived by DNS-SVC)
# Same namespace (different port)
# Different namespace
# Different cluster
# Format<serviceName>[.<namespace>[.<clusterAddress>]][:<service-port>]

Note: DNS-SVC lookups require the grpclb dependency to be present and the service’s port name to be grpclb. Refer to grpc’s official docs for more details.

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